How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help

Car Accident Attorney Duluth is experienced in handling complex legal procedures and can help reduce your stress. They can also handle communications with the insurance company representatives, allowing you to focus on your recovery.


Your attorney will consider all the ways your injury has impacted your life and build a strong claim that includes current and future medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They will also gather and strategically present evidence to bolster your case.

When it comes to filing a claim, negotiating with insurance companies or taking your case to trial, you will need evidence of the accident and your injuries. This evidence can include photographs, skid marks, witness statements and medical records. If you can, start collecting this evidence as soon as the accident happens. Even if you think that something is not relevant, it might be helpful later on and can strengthen your case.

If possible, exchange information with the other driver and anyone else involved in the crash. You should get their name, contact information and insurance policy numbers. Witnesses can also be a big help. They are more likely to remember the details of the accident, especially when it is fresh in their minds.

It is also important to obtain copies of your medical records and bills. This evidence will demonstrate the extent of your injuries and quantify their financial impact. They will also help establish causation.

A good car accident attorney will understand how to analyze your case and build a strong legal strategy. They should have a proven track record of successfully winning cases for their clients. They should also be knowledgeable about any recent changes in case law that might affect your case.

Choose an attorney who will provide you with a clear explanation of their fees and billing practices, ensuring transparency in financial matters. They should also be available for meetings and communication, addressing your concerns and questions promptly. Many car accident lawyers will work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they will only receive payment when you win your case, aligning their interests with yours. This can significantly reduce your stress during this difficult time.

Gathering Witness Statements

Witness statements provide an important perspective that may not be present in other sources of evidence. Specifically, witnesses can provide an unbiased account of what occurred without having a direct vested interest in the outcome of the accident. They can also offer details that the parties involved might have forgotten to mention due to shock or injury. For instance, a witness might have observed risky behaviors such as speeding, running red lights, or distracted driving that could play a role in the accident’s cause.

Getting witness statements should start as soon as possible at the accident scene, if it is safe to do so. Look around for people who might have seen the accident, such as passing drivers, pedestrians, or nearby shopkeepers. Approach them politely and ask if they’d be willing to give a statement on what they saw. If possible, record their statements, or take notes, provided that they consent to do so.

While taking a witness statement, it is important to ask open-ended questions that allow them to recall the event in their own words. This will help ensure that the details are accurate and complete. It’s also important to record their name, phone number, and address, so they can be contacted for follow-up questions. Lastly, it’s important to make sure that the witness understands that their statements will be used as evidence in court.

In addition to witness statements, it is also important to obtain any video footage that might exist from the scene of the accident. For example, many businesses have security cameras that monitor their parking lots, storefronts, or intersections, and homeowners might even have doorbell cameras. Obtaining such footage can paint a much more comprehensive picture of how the accident occurred and can often disprove or corroborate accounts given by witness statements.

Obtaining Police Reports

A car accident police report is a vital piece of evidence that documents the accident and its impact on your life. Insurance companies use these reports to evaluate your claim and determine liability. Without one, an insurer will find it much easier to deny your injuries and claim you’re not entitled to compensation.

Often, the report includes statements from witnesses and drivers. This can provide different perspectives on what happened, helping a judge and jury understand the events surrounding your crash. In addition, a responding law enforcement officer will add their professional observations and notes, such as road conditions, weather, and visibility.

If the police were at the scene of your crash, they will hand you a copy of their incident report before leaving. This will include an identification number, which you can call the traffic division of the local law enforcement agency that drafted the report to retrieve a copy. They’ll generally charge an administrative fee for this service, but this can vary depending on the city.

You can also request a copy of the report online. You’ll need to know the report’s identification number and the date, time, and location of your accident in order to access it. If you don’t have this information handy, the agency may be able to help you out by providing other details that can be used to locate the report, such as your name and the address of the precinct where it took place.

Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of your car accident attorney to gather and analyze all relevant evidence in order to build your case against a negligent party. Having the right facts can help you prove that you’re owed money for your injuries and damages, and your car accident attorney will work hard to ensure that everything on the police report is accurate.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Car accident victims are often overwhelmed after a crash by medical bills, property damage to their vehicle and loss of income. They are also worried about their family’s immediate and long-term financial needs. Negotiating a fair settlement with an insurance company can be stressful and intimidating. An experienced car accident attorney is an invaluable asset for settling your claim.

During the investigation process, your attorney will determine the at-fault party’s liability and how much you may be entitled to in compensation. They can also help you determine the total value of your losses, including economic damages like medical expenses and property damage, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering and emotional distress.

The insurance company will use several factors when determining the value of your claim, such as how severe your injuries are and the extent of your losses. They will also consider the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle and any future costs for care, such as physical therapy, medication and prosthetics. They will take into account the fact that insurance companies are for-profit corporations and owe their stockholders a profit.

It is important to remember that the insurance company’s goal is to settle your claim for as little money as possible. An experienced attorney will fight for the maximum value of your claim by emphasizing the severity of your injuries and the extent to which they have impacted your life both physically and emotionally. They will also provide evidence to support your claim, such as medical records and photographs of the injuries and property damage. By referring to these documents throughout the negotiation and settlement process, your lawyer will make it difficult for the insurance company to lowball you.

Taking Your Case to Court

The first step in filing a car accident lawsuit is to file what is known as a complaint. This is a legal document that identifies the four primary elements of your claim: what duty the defendant owed you, how they breached that duty, how their breach caused your injuries, and the damages you are seeking. Your attorney will need to do extensive research, interview witnesses, and review medical reports before this document is ready to be filed.

The next phase of the litigation is called discovery, which is a time when both parties can exchange information and evidence. This prevents one side from hoarding information that could affect the other’s argument. Your lawyer will be able to use this information to build your case and negotiate with the other party.

As you go through the pre-trial process, your attorney will keep you updated on any settlement offers that emerge. Your attorney will advise you on whether an offer is fair and should be accepted or rejected.

Once you reach the trial stage, your lawyer will need to present evidence in order to prove the four primary elements of your claim: the defendant owed you a duty, they breached that duty, they caused your injuries, and those injuries resulted in damages. Your attorney may also need to call expert witness testimony in order to strengthen your case.

The defendant’s attorneys will be able to cross-examine witnesses, make objections to evidence, and present their arguments. Once the trial begins, it will be up to a jury of your peers to decide whether the defendant was more likely than not to have been responsible for your car accident injuries.